Jan 8, 2013

HGTV Overload

This weekend was a bit of a bummer for us.  Drew and I both had to work on Saturday, and my almost-gone cold returned with a vengeance Thursday night.  I felt, sounded (and looked) pretty nasty, so I spent pretty much all of Saturday and most of Sunday on the couch with Murph.  Still not feeling any better on Monday, I stayed home from work, and then had my usual Tuesday off as well.  Sooo Murphy and I have spent quite a bit of time together over the last 4 days.  Which has led me to this conclusion:

Murphy is actually a cat in a dog's body.  To give credit where it is due, BearFace actually came up with this theory first.  I laughed it off.  Of COURSE he's a dog!  But, having spent almost every waking moment with him for 4 days, I started to rethink my position.  

Reasons That My Dog Is Actually a Cat:
  • He takes cat naps 20 out of 24 hours of the day. 
  • Any light fragment or moving shadow sends him into a tizzy (Ever see a cat chase a laser pointer?)    
  • When sleeping on his bed, he curls himself into the smallest possible ball.  Like a cat.
  • Birds, groundhogs, bunnies, and pretty much any small mammals are fair game for a rousing game of chase. 
  • He spends at least an hour every day grooming himself.  Cat-like. 
  • After his breakfast, morning stretch, and venture outside, he spends the rest of the morning moving around the house with the sun spots.  Where he curls up in a tiny ball and sleeps until the sun moves again.
  • And finally, he is OBSESSED with cats.  I assumed he just wanted to play with them, but now I think it is because he is trying to reach out to his own kind!
Although he may in fact be a feline, he is definitely a great sick day companion. As long as he can be on whatever piece of furniture I happen to be on, he is quite content to snuggle quietly until I get up.

I'm finally feeling better today, so will be heading back to work tomorrow.  Couldn't come soon enough, because I'm about to go stir-crazy after being trapped in the house for this long...I've had about all can I take of HGTV and FoodNetwork, and I think Murphy is getting sick of me force-snuggling him on the couch.  Pretty much, we've been doing this: 

Sometimes he lets me share the blanket.  Sometimes.
I haven't done much cooking in the last few days, but now that I'm back on my feet, I ventured back into the kitchen!  On the menu tonight, another homemade pizza at BearFace's request.  

This recipe was super simple and easy to make.  I used leftover cooked chicken from the night before, and also used my pizza stone in the oven, rather than making it on the grill.  Here's what I did:
  1. Place pan or pizza stone in oven and preheat to 500 degrees.
  2. Saute onions and peppers in olive oil over medium-high heat about 5-10 minutes until they are soft, and beginning to brown on the outside.  Remove from pan.
  3. Heat cooked chicken in pan, then add about 1-2 tsp Chipotle Tabasco sauce.  Toss chicken in sauce to coat, adding more if needed.
  4. Return onions and peppers to pan and mix with chicken.  Add a few more shakes of Tabasco and toss to coat.
  5. While chicken mixture is heating, mix Original Tabasco, olive oil, and garlic in a bowl. 
  6. Roll out dough on floured surface until it is the size of pizza stone, then transfer to stone and poke liberally with a fork.
  7. Spread sauce thinly over dough, then top with cheese and chicken/vegetable mixture.  Top with a few more shakes of Chipotle sauce. 
  8. Bake for 12-15 minutes until crust is crispy and cheese is bubbling.  Let stand for 5-10 minutes before slicing and gobbling up!
Unfortunately, I forgot to pick up cilantro at the store sooo my pizza was cilantro-less.  Considering how much I love cilantro, this was pretty disappointing.  But the pizza was still really tasty.  I'm a big fan of trying non-traditional pizzas, and this one definitely made the cut!   

Oh pizza stone, how I love you!  You make my pizza so 
crispy and amazing!


  1. So glad you're feeling better. The pizza you make always looks so good. I have a pizza stone too but I always have trouble with the dough. What do use? I also agree Murphy sounds like he's part cat.

    1. I use either refrigerated or frozen fresh dough from the grocery store (I'm too lazy to make my own dough!). I let it sit out for about 30 minutes so it can come to room temperature, then I roll it out on a floured surface using a rolling pin. When it is the shape I want, I usually finish stretching it out with my hands. The key is letting the pan or pizza stone heat in the oven before putting the dough on it, otherwise it will stick to the pan. Hope that helps!
